*BEGIN 1452_HoleRoad ;Created from Survey file on Mon,24 Apr 2000.23:59:18 ;Dates surveyed : 000419&000424 ;Surveyors : LM JC++Amy+ ;No of stations : 50 ;Plan length : 87.7199121m ;Traverse length: 163.68m ;*FIX 0 451722 4797909 0235 ;*FIX 0 451620 4797700 0235; --- *FIX coordinates (usually entrances) changed to ETRS89 datum by applying x-102 and y-209 --- March 2014 *FIX 0 451620 4797700 0228 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Altitude altered to agree with new digital maps, March 2014 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *entrance 0 0 1 8.00 351.00 -38 ;* 1 2 4.30 52.00 -30 ;* 2 3 4.00 32.00 -44 ;* 3 4 5.60 41.00 -21 ;near top of p 4 5 35.00 - -V ;rebelay to Volvo 5 6 8.00 - -V ;ledge above 2nd p 6 7 4.38 225.00 11 ;* 7 8 3.46 - -V ;stn10 8 9 23.00 - -V ;* 9 10 3.00 93.00 7 ;stn000 10 11 7.95 273.00 -7 ;stn1 breakdown chmbr 11 12 6.10 248.00 8 ;stn2 10 13 9.09 242.50 14 ;stn3 13 14 11.92 266.50 12 ;stn4 13 15 8.60 151.50 15 ;stn5 15 16 7.25 193.30 31 ;stn6 conts 4m 10 17 8.30 167.50 20 ;stn7 10 18 5.73 125.50 11 ;stn8 *END 1452_HoleRoad