*begin 098_vindication ;29/07/2009 "vindication" series - Matienzo ref Number 098 ;surveyed by Rosie Hadfield, Tim Webber, Brendan Sloan ;instruments : Matienzo Disto "09" - Suunto compas, Suunto Clino ;Station 1 is the cairn underneath the aven climb at the end of the cave *data normal from to tape compass clino ;*CALIBRATE DECLINATION 2.08 ; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; 11/12/13 - Adjust magnetic declination so centre line ; surveys are aligned to Eur 79 grid rather than True North. ; Applying correction of -0.4 to original magnetic readings in ; Survex aligns to Eur79 grid. ; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *CALIBRATE DECLINATION 1.61; (2.01-0.4) ;from to length compass clino 2 1 4.48 143 -42 2 3 14.86 165 8 4 3 6.99 31 -22 4 5 8.39 305 25 5 6 3.46 245 22 6 7 4.56 268 34 6 40 3.8 308 51 8 7 3.53 349 -27 8 9 6.67 284 13 9 10 2.89 279 24 11 10 4.27 47 23 11 12 3.24 191 5 12 13 4.98 111 -35 12 14 5.76 220 16 14 15 11.62 97 5 15 16 6.24 129 31 14 dong 4.07 343 4 18 dong 5.65 68 -31 18 19 10.98 288 6 18 20 15.99 268 22 18 21 14.06 237 5 22 21 5.19 120 -35 22 23 7.94 288 12 23 24 6.04 0 90 25 dong 9.05 162 2 25 26 4.13 22 -26 26 27 3.22 327 -25 28 27 2.06 89 -3 28 29 1.93 195 -18 30 29 3.44 107 25 30 31 6.64 227 8 31 32 2.57 107 1 25 33 3.06 89 0 33 34 5.32 231 0 *end 098_vindication