*begin 0935_Dormouse ;surveyors: Paul Fretwell, Caroline Fretwell ;name: Dormouse Cave ;date: 16/04/06 *CALIBRATE declination 2.42 ;declination is 2 41' (2.68) for 2004 changing by 8'E per year. ; 2.55 used for 2005 ; 2.42 used for 2006 ; 2.28 used for 2007 ; 2.15 used for 2008 ;LRUD data relates to stations 2-8 in the order of the data lines below ;From To Tape Comp Clino; L R U D *fix 1 451996 4800311 154 *entrance 1 1 2 6.29 78 4; 0 .60 .30 .20 3 2 1.82 324 24; .80 0 .60 .30 3 4 2.74 27 -41; .90 0 .50 .60 5 4 1.79 176 5; .20 .80 .60 .40 5 6 2.89 66 -38; .15 .50 1.20 .10 7 6 2.02 219 -5; .80 1.00 .80 .40 7 8 3.60 35 0; .50 1.10 1.20 .50 *end 0935_Dormouse