Hi Juan, I've finished working through the Uzueka data, matching everything in the paper file to the data in the survex file. In the process I've rediscovered much of the original data which was not included in the survex file, and I have replaced a lot of the data taken off printed surveys with this actual data which includes clino readings. You can easily see which bits are still taken off the printed surveys as the stations are much further apart. I've grouped all the data into named subsets ready to start working on the drawing up in Tunnel. I've not added the export statements yet, so it should work up with the rest of your 4 valleys files fine. You'll just have to rename the station in the equate statement which connects it with the Llueva to 0107_Uzueka.RockyHorror.313 I've removed all the duplicated sections, taking the most complete data set for passages which had been surveyed more than once. So the length reported should now be a better estimate of the total surveyed length. Now I just need to go and explore it all in person! Footleg