*BEGIN 0121_Simon ;Created from Survey file on Tue,10 Oct 1995.19:46:58 ;Dates surveyed : 78/7&78/7&920808&920809&920810&920810 ;Surveyors : Phil & Tony+Andy G PaulS+++ ;No of stations : 207 ;Plan length : 764.613093m ;Traverse length: 906.000003m ;*FIX 1978.0 455454 4800460 0193 ;*FIX 1978.0 455352 4800251 0193; --- *FIX coordinates (usually entrances) changed to ETRS89 datum by applying x-102 and y-209 --- March 2014 *FIX 1978.0 455352 4800251 0208 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Altitude altered to agree with new digital maps, March 2014 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *ENTRANCE 1978.0 *BEGIN 1978 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; 11/12/13 - Add correcting magnetic declination line so centre ; line surveys are aligned to Eur 79 grid rather than True North. ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *CALIBRATE DECLINATION -0.4 0 1 11.00 - -V ;* 1 2 14.60 328.28 0 ;* 2 3 3.20 287.28 -60 ;* 3 4 6.70 301.28 0 ;* 4 5 5.40 331.28 -11 ;* 5 6 2.60 295.28 -10 ;* 6 7 3.50 318.28 -1 ;* 7 8 2.30 3.28 -2 ;* 8 9 2.40 293.28 4 ;* 9 10 5.70 310.28 0 ;* 10 11 9.80 298.28 -1 ;* 11 12 6.40 332.28 0 ;* 12 13 3.90 36.28 -2 ;* 13 14 4.00 336.28 -18 ;* 14 15 8.00 312.28 0 ;* 15 16 9.00 298.28 0 ;* 16 17 4.00 299.28 -25 ;* 17 18 4.80 316.28 -20 ;* 18 19 6.00 - -V ;* 19 20 7.50 44.28 -22 ;* 20 21 4.90 168.28 0 ;* 21 22 1.20 136.28 -15 ;* 22 23 1.90 161.28 0 ;* 23 24 8.00 29.28 0 ;* 24 25 3.00 39.28 0 ;* 25 26 19.00 26.28 -60 ;* 26 27 8.70 - -V ;* 27 28 4.00 212.28 -42 ;* 28 29 5.60 195.28 -34 ;* 29 30 5.10 228.28 0 ;* 30 31 9.50 192.28 0 ;* 31 32 13.00 212.28 -2 ;* 32 33 12.90 234.28 -7 ;* 33 34 6.10 220.28 -15 ;* 34 35 7.20 179.28 -30 ;* 35 36 6.10 181.28 -12 ;* 1 37 9.90 297.28 0 ;* 37 38 4.30 324.28 0 ;* 38 39 6.00 293.28 -4 ;* 39 40 3.80 317.28 0 ;* 40 41 3.00 285.28 -3 ;* 41 42 3.20 305.28 -2 ;* 42 43 9.50 - -V ;* 0 44 5.00 - -V ;* 44 45 3.60 236.28 0 ;* 45 46 4.70 223.28 0 ;* 46 47 14.50 208.28 7 ;* 47 48 23.70 - -V ;* 48 49 4.80 - +V ;* 49 50 3.30 177.28 0 ;* 50 51 4.60 223.28 0 ;* 51 52 4.40 203.28 0 ;* 52 53 3.00 199.28 -33 ;* 53 54 8.00 205.28 -21 ;* 54 55 4.10 205.28 0 ;* 55 56 7.10 222.28 -18 ;* 56 57 8.80 205.28 0 ;* 57 58 12.30 168.28 -27 ;* 58 59 2.50 - -V ;down through boulders *END 1978 *EQUATE 1978.59 1992.59 *EQUATE 1978.57 1992.57 *BEGIN 1992 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; 11/12/13 - Add correcting magnetic declination line so centre ; line surveys are aligned to Eur 79 grid rather than True North. ; Old magdev appears to be 4.2 degrees but should have been 4.32 to ; align to True North. This value is reduced by 0.4 degrees below ; to align to Eur79 Grid North. (4.32-4.2-0.4) ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *CALIBRATE DECLINATION -0.18 59 60 5.90 205.80 -5 ;* 60 61 9.50 208.80 24 ;* 61 62 4.40 - -V ;* 62 63 1.10 169.80 0 ;* 63 64 1.10 42.80 0 ;* 57 65 13.70 160.80 -38 ;from top of 6m drop to base 65 66 7.00 207.80 -30 ;at base of rift 66 67 8.30 209.80 26 ;* 67 68 5.90 205.80 -47 ;* 68 69 3.30 45.80 -31 ;* 69 70 7.70 - -V ;* 70 71 2.50 199.80 -45 ;base of squeeze 71 72 8.00 - -V ;junction at base of pitch 72 73 3.60 220.80 -12 ;* 73 74 5.30 210.80 -9 ;* 74 75 5.70 195.80 -4 ;start of block squeeze 75 76 2.90 187.80 -4 ;* 76 77 1.70 235.80 0 ;end of block squeeze 77 78 5.00 214.80 -3 ;* 78 79 4.00 199.80 5 ;* 79 80 10.10 204.80 -3 ;* 80 81 4.10 207.80 -4 ;* 81 82 3.40 189.80 -8 ;* 82 83 2.90 223.80 -4 ;* 83 84 2.00 269.80 5 ;* 84 85 3.90 216.80 -1 ;straws 85 86 4.50 216.80 2 ;* 86 87 4.10 239.80 -6 ;* 87 88 3.70 230.80 -10 ;* 88 89 4.80 256.80 0 ;junction; marked 32 89 90 1.70 8.80 -4 ;* 90 91 4.00 358.80 2 ;* 91 92 2.20 29.80 12 ;calcite flow 92 93 4.30 298.80 -4 ;* 93 94 2.00 336.80 -26 ;straws 94 95 4.40 301.80 -2 ;* 95 96 2.20 321.80 20 ;ways off at roof 96 97 4.80 305.80 -10 ;* 97 98 5.70 327.80 -6 ;oxbow on RHS 98 99 2.40 32.80 4 ;marked 21 99 100 4.40 287.80 2 ;ways off? 100 101 7.80 340.80 -19 ;small inlet on LHS 101 102 5.40 327.80 4 ;oxbow? 102 103 2.30 269.80 -1 ;* 103 104 3.90 332.80 -5 ;pools; draught inwards ? 104 105 1.70 281.80 -4 ;* 105 106 3.00 318.80 9 ;aven; ways off? 106 107 6.90 17.80 -6 ;* 107 108 2.40 90.80 -5 ;false floor; ways off in roof 108 109 6.20 50.80 -2 ;* 109 110 2.50 30.80 -6 ;* 110 111 5.80 294.80 -7 ;roof tubes; ways off? 111 112 2.70 .80 -1 ;high rift with calcite 112 113 6.00 340.80 -4 ;* 113 114 2.80 76.80 -2 ;* 114 115 2.80 74.80 -3 ;* 115 116 2.50 15.80 -13 ;* 116 117 8.80 .80 -3 ;* 117 118 2.70 298.80 -26 ;low with calcite 118 119 5.00 30.80 -35 ;calcite ramp on S bends 119 120 1.50 146.80 -18 ;* 120 121 1.60 82.80 -23 ;wedged block over calcite block; 5m 121 122 3.20 - -V ;* 122 123 5.00 172.80 -25 ;* 123 124 2.90 94.80 -15 ;* 124 125 7.70 - -V ;pitch 125 126 5.40 89.80 -15 ;across pool 126 127 8.50 22.80 -8 ;ends in low muddy passage 72 128 1.00 - -V ;down to inlet 128 129 7.20 27.80 1 ;pissing stal 129 130 2.90 49.80 4 ;* 130 131 1.90 23.80 0 ;* 131 132 4.60 53.80 7 ;pools 132 133 5.20 71.80 5 ;* 133 134 2.10 29.80 5 ;pools 134 135 2.20 74.80 7 ;climb up rift 135 136 2.20 - +V ;up climb into rift 136 137 6.40 38.80 1 ;* 137 138 1.90 128.80 -20 ;over calcite flow 138 139 4.90 90.80 3 ;wiggly rift 139 140 6.10 41.80 8 ;oxbow 140 141 5.00 125.80 -5 ;* 141 142 2.80 89.80 1 ;* 142 143 4.20 49.80 11 ;calcite ramp 143 144 1.80 84.80 -14 ;junction 144 145 2.90 357.80 -2 ;up L branch; R branch would dig 145 146 5.40 314.80 1 ;* 146 147 2.90 347.80 -5 ;* 147 148 5.10 263.80 6 ;* 148 149 2.20 186.80 9 ;* 149 150 1.60 269.80 10 ;* 150 151 4.30 359.80 2 ;* 92 152 4.60 301.80 -2 ;* 152 153 6.70 339.80 39 ;* 153 154 4.10 213.80 22 ;* 154 155 4.90 268.80 -20 ;* 155 156 12.10 260.80 14 ;* 156 157 3.30 13.80 -9 ;* 157 158 10.90 273.80 2 ;mud dig to chamber beyond 154 159 9.00 199.80 -1 ;low crawl 153 160 5.30 77.80 10 ;grotto 152 161 5.40 114.80 26 ;climb over false floor 161 162 1.20 139.80 25 ;tube on R to stream 162 163 4.40 83.80 12 ;* 163 164 4.40 92.80 11 ;* 164 165 5.50 53.80 22 ;5m diam conical chamber 165 166 11.70 33.80 4 ;* 166 167 5.90 19.80 -1 ;aven flase floor 167 168 12.60 27.80 3 ;* 168 169 2.70 22.80 3 ;* 169 170 1.10 352.80 32 ;low calcite 170 171 4.20 20.80 7 ;* 171 172 2.90 350.80 16 ;tubes come in ; junction *END 1992 *END 0121_Simon