*BEGIN 0122-09-01 ;surveyors: Jim Davis Jane Chilton ;passage name: ;date: ; Matienzo position is 43.315936, -3.584633. Declination can be found at ; www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomagmodels/struts/calcDeclination *CALIBRATE declination 2.08 ;declination is 2 41' (2.68) for 2004 changing by 8'E per year ;declination is 2.28 for 2007 ;declination is 2.15 for 2008 ; Recalculated as 2 5' for 2009 changing by 7'E per year ;declination is 2.08 for 2009 ;stal choke slight draught: unlikely to go ;new passage up to stn 6. TL=59m 0 1 9 220 0 1 2 10.7 195 -2 2 3 11.69 200 -5 3 4 7.2 235 6 4 5 10 152 0 5 6 10.45 88 0 *FLAGS DUPLICATE 6 7 6.95 175 19 7 8 15.83 267 50 8 9 9.3 138 30 9 10 10.5 87 6 10 11 28.11 102 -19 11 12 11.6 116 -20 12 13 30.85 174 0 13 14 28.35 120 -19 14 15 5.1 252 0 15 16 4 - down;base of ladder? *FLAGS NOT DUPLICATE *data passage station up down left right 0 2.5 0 1 .5 1 1 .5 .5 0 2 .4 .8 .2 .8 3 2.5 .6 1.2 2; pass divides oxbow S (not surveyed; re-enters at 5) 4 .4 .2 1.5 1 5 1 .6 1.5 .3 6 .5 .8 2 .3; entrance to passage in solid rock 7 5 0 2 4; middle of main passage *END 0122-09-01