*BEGIN 1232_German ;Created from Survey file on Mon,10 May 1999.21:05:09 *DATE 1997.04.03 ;Surveyors : Juan PE PS LM ;No of stations : 20 ;Plan length : 97.7959423m ;Traverse length: 109.6m ;*FIX 0 452020 4798010 0223 ;*FIX 0 451918 4797801 0223; --- *FIX coordinates (usually entrances) changed to ETRS89 datum by applying x-102 and y-209 --- March 2014 ;*FIX 0 451918 4797801 0217 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;Altitude altered to agree with new digital maps, March 2014 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;GPS'd *FIX 0 451947 4797793 0208 *entrance 0 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; 11/12/13 - Add correcting magnetic declination line so centre ; line surveys are aligned to Eur 79 grid rather than True North. ; Old magdev appears to be 3.45 degrees but should have been 3.69 to ; align to True North. This value is reduced by 0.4 degrees below ; to align to Eur79 Grid North. (3.69-3.45-0.4) ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *CALIBRATE DECLINATION -0.16 0 1 6.70 301.55 -20 ;lump in squeeze 1 2 2.20 301.55 -40 ;stn 12 lump in squeeze 2 3 8.90 272.55 25 ;across first chmbr 3 4 6.20 295.55 -8 ;stn 10 near crawl; above? 4 5 4.80 235.55 -5 ;stn 9 through crawl 5 6 11.60 271.55 -10 ;across pit 6 7 4.80 230.55 -24 ;into breakdown 7 8 6.20 277.55 21 ;stn6 8 9 9.10 294.55 -35 ;stn5 drop down undercut?? 9 10 6.10 336.55 38 ;stn 4 10 11 6.40 72.55 37 ;on boulders stn 2 11 12 8.00 70.55 -5 ;rear of bouldery chmbr 11 13 13.00 268.55 -38 ;above clmb down 13 14 15.60 281.55 -29 ;stn 0;stal & cairn at poss dig *END 1232_German