*begin conistoncoppermines *export toplevel1.entrance leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel.entrance leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel.cairn *title "Coniston Copper Mines" *include toplevel1 *include leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel *equate toplevel1.entrance leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel.1x *equate toplevel1.48 leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel.48old ; below are the fixed gps points to tie the underground surveys to the surface ; *fix toplevel1.entrance 28016 99041 424 ; Neil GPS on 29.01.22 was 28016 99041 with 10 foot accuracy, no altitude recorded - using satellite image and OS app I get 2801 9904 and altitude 424 so very similar *fix leverswatermineandbrowstopetotoplevel.cairn 28014 99044 425 ; Neil GPS on 2022.03.05 with 10 foot accuracy was SD 28014 99044 and 425m elevation *end conistoncoppermines