;This file no-longer in-use, re-done due to lack of LRUDS *begin Gingling6a *export x ;checked NS 04/11/2015 *team "Holly Bradley" notes *team "Noel Snape" compass clino tape ; distoX *instrument "H&N Distox2" compass *instrument "H&N Distox2" clino *date 2015.11.01 *calibrate declination 1.90 ;taken from NOAA website for 54.137652 degrees N, 2.234087 degrees West *data normal from to tape compass clino *flags not splay x 1 2.573333333 161.1 5.266666667 *flags splay 1 1a 2.913 324.9 7.1 *flags not splay 1 2 9.174 322.7 47 *end Gingling6a