*begin Gingling8b *export x5 ;checked *team "Noel Snape" notes *team "Nathanael Dalton" compass clino tape ; distoX *instrument "H&N Distox2-2" compass *instrument "H&N Distox2-2" clino *date 2016.02.27 *calibrate declination 1.85 ;taken from NOAA website for 54.137652 degrees N, 2.234087 degrees West *data normal from to tape compass clino *flags duplicate x5 11 2.563 160.6 5.68 *flags splay x5 x5a 1.106 231.6 9.82 x5 x5b 0.369 133.81 -80.06 11 11a 0.878 46.25 -4.79 11 11b 3.776 338.6 76.9 11 11c 0.509 45.94 -83.33 *flags not splay *flags not duplicate 11 12 9.102 320.3 46.82 *data passage station left right up down x5 0 1.1 0 0.4 ;old station 36 in Gingling 6, tiny calcite curtain in edge of main bedding 11 0.8 0 3.8 0.5 ;flake in chamber R H wall, just below obvious knob of rock *data passage station left right up down 11 0 0.8 3.8 0.5 12 0.5 0 2 2 ;RH wall at top of exposed climb, just before squeeze, too tight to pass, into tight continuing rift. Drafting outwards *end Gingling8b