;------------------------------------- ;Obscure oxbow / parallel rift to entrance pitch, accessible through slot in wall near top of pitch ;------------------------------------- *begin Gingling8c *export 8x ;checked *team "Noel Snape" notes *team "Nathanael Dalton" compass clino tape ; distoX *instrument "H&N Distox2-2" compass *instrument "H&N Distox2-2" clino *date 2016.02.27 *calibrate declination 1.85 ;taken from NOAA website for 54.137652 degrees N, 2.234087 degrees West *data normal from to tape compass clino 2 1 6.059 264.6 -82.02 3 2 2.287 280.1 -9.08 *flags splay 3 3a 0.378 3.73 -6.45 3 3b 0.174 321.93 84.46 3 3c 1.43 49.99 -74.97 *flags not splay 4 3 2.572 236.1 -0.73 *flags splay 4 4a 0.525 315.62 2.29 4 4b 0.252 247.26 81.84 4 4c 1.574 313.01 -81.51 *flags not splay 4 5 1.513 43.5 -6.06 *flags splay 5 5a 0.473 167.12 -6.71 5 5b 0.697 68.3 73.08 5 5c 1.118 245.93 -88.75 *flags not splay *flags duplicate 5 6 4.365 134.6 -1.27 ;centreline only, linking parallel passage to main pitch 4 7 1.911 25.5 10.28 ;station 7 is deviation P-anchor 8x 7 1.299 358.1 -47 ;station 8x is station1 in gingling 1 *data passage station left right up down 1 0 2 7 0 ;bottom of 6m pitch - pitch head not negotiated due to exceptionally awkward take-off 2 0 0.3 1 6 ;Top of pitch, RH wall when looking down pitch 3 0.4 0 0.2 1.4 ;RH wall 4 0.5 0 0.3 1.6 ;RH wall 5 0 0.5 0.7 1.1 ;LH wall 6 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.9 ;awkward passage becoming muddy / too tight near presumed sinks in side of beck *end Gingling8c