*BEGIN Surface *EXPORT 1.0 1.8 1.13 2.4 3.3 ;<<<< This is surface data Connecting Long Kin West, Fern pot, Moss Pot, Cross Pot and Golden Pippin >>>>> *EQUATE 1.0 2.0 ;Point at top of LKW entrance shaft *EQUATE 1.8 3.0 ;1.8 pointing rock top FernPot ;<<>> *BEGIN 1 *EXPORT 0 8 13 ;Di pda, Si distoX ;calibrated error <0.5 *DATE 2018.04.29 *CALIBRATE declination +1.57 ;Calculated mag decl from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination ;54.146915°N 2.413190°W 2018.04.29 *FLAGS SURFACE 0 1 3.06 114.32 32.89 ;Point at top of LKW entrance shaft 1 2 4.11 96.75 8.22 2 3 6.08 121.82 -0.02 3 4 6.07 123.48 3.04 4 5 5.93 129.29 4.66 *FLAGS SPLAY 5 5a 2.96 57.86 -23.37 *FLAGS NOT SPLAY 5 6 3.08 58.77 -20.67 6 7 3.07 62.79 -39.82 *FLAGS SPLAY 7 7a 0.22 152.36 -47.27 7 7b 1.61 152.42 -47.40 7 7c 2.08 152.50 -47.43 *FLAGS NOT SPLAY 7 8 1.61 152.03 -47.65 8 9 1.15 189.57 52.19 ;1.8 pointing rock top FernPot 9 10 4.32 189.30 24.90 10 11 7.06 176.75 1.93 11 12 6.84 198.65 -3.03 12 13 4.59 208.32 -31.57 ;1.13 CrossPot *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 1 *BEGIN 2 *EXPORT 0 4 ;<<>> ;Di pda, Si distoX ;calibrated error <0.5 *DATE 2018.06.10 *CALIBRATE declination +1.55 ;Calculated mag decl from http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination ;54.146915°N 2.413190°W 2018.06.10 *FLAGS SURFACE 0 1 4.65 101.19 27.42 ;2.0 LKW entrance shaft 1 2 5.72 124.94 0.55 2 3 7.80 166.90 -5.84 3 4 3.74 202.79 -44.42 ;2.4 MossPot *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 2 *BEGIN 3 *EXPORT 0 3 ;<<>> ;Di pda, Si distoX ;calibrated error <0.5 *DATE 2018.07.22 *FLAGS SURFACE 0 1 8.14 129.92 7.95 ;3.0 = 1.8 pointing rock top FernPot 1 2 3.27 104.64 28.25 2 3 6.45 128.93 -22.91 ;Center of rock bridge Golden Pippin entrance *FLAGS NOT SURFACE *END 3 *END Surface