*begin WhiteScar-AREA *cs OSGB:SD *cs out EPSG:27700 ; 15.4.21 - Becka replaced "*cs out OSGB:SD" with this on Patrick's advice: "EPSG:27700 gets the output into the coordinate reference system that's used by the Ordnance Survey and will be recognised by the QGIS import plugin". In aven "the eastings and northings should be recognisable as the SD coordinates plus extra leading digits for the fully numeric OSGB coordinate system." ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;This automatically applies correction for magnetic declination and grid north to all included surveys *declination auto 67101 77807 373 ; Coordinates for Notts Pot ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *include SkirwithCave/SkirwithCave.svx *fix SkirwithCave.skirwith-surface.1 70905 73799 252 ; taken from Google Earth and OS map for elevation as more precise than Becka's phone *include MaydayHole/MaydayHole.svx *include WhiteScarCave/WhiteScar.svx *include 5Ways/5Ways.svx *end WhiteScar-AREA