encoding utf-8 survey LowEglins ####LowEglins Centreline Only#### #input LowEglinsCL.th2 #map #### -title "####" #endmap centreline cs OSGB:SE #declination 1.6 degrees ##comment to allow auto Therion declination copyright 2017 "GNU GPL" ### TRIP COMMENT ### ##Made From YURT paper survey## date 1967.08.01 station 1.0 "Low Eglins" entrance fix 1.0 09471 73492 191 data normal from to tape compass clino ignoreall extend right 1.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 Entrance Lid 1.0 2.0 477.4 94.6 -3 ##calculated from YURT survey## endcentreline endsurvey