encoding utf-8 source NewGoydenDownstreamSumps.th export map -layout topodroid -o NewGoydenDownstreamSumps.pdf -proj plan select NewGoydenDownstreamSumps layout XviScalelayout scale 1 630 endlayout #export map -proj plan -layout XviScalelayout -output NewGoydenSumpsScaled.xvi layout topodroid #legend on symbol-hide group centerline symbol-show point station debug station-names scale 1 750 symbol-set BCRA fonts-setup 6 12 16 40 60 colour map-fg [97 93 43] debug off code metapost # define sump to be dark blue def a_sump (expr p) = T:=identity; # thfill p withcolor (0.05, 0.0, 0.7); #dark blue thfill p withcolor (0.48, 0.84, 1.0); enddef; endcode endlayout