encoding utf-8 source nidderdale.th #Change name to the main therion file ##Call global templates input XTherionFiles\_layouts.mp #standard settings input XTherionFiles\_globallayouts.thc #more standard settings, different 'size' cave layouts input XTherionFiles\_legend.txt #control on/off of legend and amendments #Surveys to output #----------------- ## use Map or survey structure to select individual or multiple maps to export to Nidderdale.pdf## ## If none selected individually all are exported to finished map## select SurfacePlan@nidderdale -colour [95 95 95] select NidderdalePlan@nidderdale -colour [97 86 38] #select NidderdalePlanTruncated@nidderdale -colour [97 86 38] ##Hiding stuff for printing #export map -proj plan -layout local -layout portrait \ -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale.pdf #NO SURFACE #export map -proj plan -layout local -layout portrait \ -layout-transparency on \ -layout-surface bottom \ -layout-surface-opacity 20 \ -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemSurface.pdf export map -proj plan -layout local -layout landscape \ -layout-transparency on \ -layout-surface bottom \ -layout-surface-opacity 20 \ -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemLandscape.pdf #export map -proj plan -layout local -layout landscapeTruncated -layout LandscapeA0 \ -layout-transparency on \ -layout-surface bottom \ -layout-surface-opacity 20 \ -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemTruncated.pdf #export map -proj plan -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale.kml #export model -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale.kml #export map -projection plan -output nidderdale.xvi ##PRODUCE LIST OF LEADS / JOBS IN HTML AND A KML #export continuation-list -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemLeads.html #export continuation-list -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemLeads.kml ##(recommend comment out select SurfacePlan call above before generating the below) #export map -proj plan -o Output/NidderdaleOutput/GoydenSystemNoSurface.kml #export model -fmt survex -o output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale.3d #export model -o output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale.lox #export map -proj plan -o output/NidderdaleOutput/nidderdale_Walls.3d #Survex file showing walls only ####################layout################### ############################################# layout landscapeTruncated rotate 270 map-header 2 95 nw map-image 15 85 nw XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png map-image 15 80 nw XTherionFiles\BSDLogo.png #map-image 20 90 ne XTherionFiles\EarthLandscape.jpg min-symbol-scale M symbol-hide group all symbol-show point label symbol-hide line arrow legend off code metapost fonts_setup(0.01,0.01,0.01,8,20); ##makes lower scales 'invisible' endcode code tex-map \cavelength={8749 m (including New Goyden Downsteam Sumps)} \cavedepth={75 m} %empty endcode endlayout layout landscape rotate 270 map-header 70 65 nw map-image 80 45 nw XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png map-image 80 60 nw XTherionFiles\BSDLogo.png map-image 20 90 ne XTherionFiles\EarthLandscape.jpg min-symbol-scale M #symbol-hide group all symbol-show point label symbol-hide line arrow code metapost fonts_setup(0.01,0.01,0.01,8,20); ##makes lower scales 'invisible' endcode endlayout layout portrait map-header 50 99 nw map-image 70 96 nw XTherionFiles\by-nc-sa.png map-image 80 96 nw XTherionFiles\BSDLogo.png map-image 10 25 nw XTherionFiles\Earth.jpg endlayout layout local copy custom_standard_settings symbol-hide group sections base-scale 1 300 scale 1 1000 debug off legend on #colour map-fg [97 86 38] #pale yellow #colour map-bg [95 95 95] #light grey #color map-fg scrap #color map-fg altitude symbol-hide group cave-centreline #symbol-show point station #debug station-names endlayout layout LandscapeA0 #------------------------------ #NAV PANE #-------- nav-factor 30 nav-size 2 1 #PAGE LAYOUT #----------- # page-setup . set page dimensions in this order: paper-width, #paper-height, page-width, page-height, left-margin and top-margin. ##A1 # page-setup 84.1 59.4 81.1 56.4 1.5 1 cm #overlap 1 cm #size 84.1 59.4 cm ##A1 ##A0 page-setup 118.9 84.1 115.9 81.1 1.5 1 cm overlap 1 cm size 118.9 84.1 cm endlayout LandscapeA0