;Cave: Ease Gill Stream Survey (part 8) ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 26/04/07 ;Instruments: PAG + tape *equate sf8.017 sf7.022 ;tag at Lower Kirk Cave 9 *equate sf8.016 sf8a.004 ;tag at LKC3 *begin sf8 *calibrate compass +7.00 *calibrate clino +2.00 *calibrate tape +0.05 *fix 005 65946.00 79973.00 215.00 002 001 00.95 - DOWN ;st001 is tip of v.large boulder in entrance of resurgence cave 002 003 10.40 333.0 -02.0 ;st003 is lip of roof of other resurgence in middle 003 004 33.88 210.0 00.0 004 004a 07.26 323.5 -07.5 ;st004a id tie off of diver's line at Leck Beck Head 004 005 25.18 182.0 +03.5 005 005a 01.90 - DOWN ;st005a is cable tie through small thread on spur between streams 005 006 33.67 086.0 -03.5 006 007 20.16 035.0 -08.0 007 008 21.49 058.5 +07.0 009 008 16.25 309.0 +07.0 ;st009 is large rock outside ent. to Witches edge of pool 009 010 10.54 140.0 +02.0 010 011 11.82 080.0 +02.0 011 012 10.76 082.0 +12.0 012 013 07.24 126.0 -07.0 014 013 10.72 288.0 -19.0 ;st014 is head height at lip of 2m drop to large, deep pool 014 015 12.44 136.0 +11.0 015 015a 06.92 220.0 +17.0 ;st015a is horiz.break right side of LK Cave 1 015 015b 13.11 347.0 +38.0 ;st015b is roof of LK Cave 11 015 016 23.22 122.0 +06.0 ;st016=tag LK Cave 3 016 017 14.89 022.0 +06.0 ;st017=tag LK Cave 9 *end sf8