;Cave: County Pot - Guano Passage in Dismal Bypass ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/A.Hall ;Date: 20/03/05 ;Instruments: PAG + disto ;;*equate cy10cii.001 cy10c.021 ;Guano jrcc marked on wall by tag *begin cy10cii *export 001 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino -0.50 ;*calibrate tape 001 002 00.45 - DOWN ;st001=tag 002 003 03.00 330.0 -15.0 003 004 02.25 301.0 -19.0 004 004a 02.32 157.0 -45.0 ;st004 to 004b is passage on left choked at end 004a 004b 04.60 125.0 -07.0 004 005 13.05 311.0 +03.0 005 005a 05.50 289.0 -02.0 ;st005a is end of bedding low and choked 005 006 03.38 227.0 +05.0 ;st005 is where passage turns left away from muddy slime 006 007 01.86 261.0 +07.0 ;st007 is at awkward step in crawl up into Upper Molluscan Hall 008 007 01.85 064.0 -31.0 ;st008 is cy10c.028 ;008 009 02.60 319.0 -31.0 ;009 010 01.51 188.0 -30.0 ;010 011 05.65 237.0 -16.0 *end cy10cii