;Cave: County Pot - bedding beyond slab to Dismal Bypass ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/H.St.Lawrence/A.Whitney ;Date: 22/11/04 ;Instruments: PAG ;;*equate cy10d.001 cy10c.006 ;tag on boulder beside muddy slab to Dis. Byp. ;;*equate cy10d.011 cy10di.013 ;tag in Hall Hall ;;*equate cy10d.003 cy10dii.021 ;small cross rift *begin cy10d *export 003 *export 011 *export 001 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino -0.50 *calibrate tape +9.00 001 002 11.47 228.0 -18.0 ;st001=tag, st002 is boulder at start of bedding 002 003 17.19 279.0 -02.0 ;st003 is in low bedding just past hole in floor 003 004 11.85 254.0 +03.0 ;st004 is just beyond enlarged squeeze in cross rift 005 004 09.70 344.0 00.0 ;side step leg 005 006 19.28 230.0 +01.0 006 007 11.19 140.0 +40.0 007 008 11.63 218.0 +32.0 008 009 14.26 180.0 +05.0 009 010 12.68 197.0 +58.0 010 011 13.88 135.0 -02.0 ;st011=tag in Hall Hall *end cy10d