;Cave: Platypus Jnc. to tag in Ignorance is Bliss ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/A.Hall ;Date: 02/03/02 ;Instruments: 3 ;;*equate cy15.001 cy12.002 ;;*equate cy15.013 cy16.001 *begin cy15 *export 001 *export 013 *calibrate compass +3.50 *flags duplicate ; (Platypus Junction) tie-in duplicates 012-015 in cy2a 001 002 06.50 011.0 +01.0 ;st001 is bill of Platypus 002 003 07.30 320.0 +08.0 ;st003 is climb out of stream *flags not duplicate 003 004 04.10 311.0 +33.0 004 005 03.90 179.0 +40.0 005 006 04.00 209.0 00.0 006 007 01.40 221.0 +26.0 007 008 02.40 242.0 +21.0 008 009 01.10 - UP ;up the slot 009 010 05.70 032.0 +10.0 010 011 03.10 074.0 +28.0 011 012 04.90 043.0 +06.0 012 013 05.40 329.0 -04.0 ;st013=tag in Ignorance is Bliss *end cy15