;Cave: County Pot - Poetic justice to junction tag in Ignorance Is Bliss ;Surveyors: R.Duffy ;Date: 23/11/03 ;Instruments: PAG ;;*equate cy18.001 cy.055 ;stal at bottom of PJ chimney ;;*equate cy18.019 cy16.001 ;tag at junction in Ignor. Is Bliss ;;*equate cy18.012di cy2a.007 ;boulder across stream =UP8 *begin cy18 *export 012di *export 001 *export 019 *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino +00.5 *calibrate tape 00.0 *flags duplicate ; (Ignorance is Bliss) tie-in duplicates 001-002 in cy2a 002 001 05.35 109.0 -01.0 ;stal at bottom of PJ chimney *flags not duplicate 002 003 02.81 - UP ;climb up at other side of PJ 003 004 00.85 025.0 -01.0 004 005 01.70 - UP 005 006 02.70 302.0 -19.0 007 006 06.20 169.0 -01.0 008 007 05.95 122.0 -16.0 ;st008 is stal on top of huge long boulder from st7/8 to 11 009 008 03.00 096.0 +01.0 010 009 07.95 124.0 +07.0 011 010 05.40 125.0 -02.0 012 011 05.60 114.5 +04.0 ;st12 is stal on corner above climb down to stream ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/J.Baker ;Date: 30/11/03 ;Instruments: PAG 012 012a 00.81 211.0 044.0 ;start of climb down to stream. 012a 012b 03.20 - DOWN ;st012a=UP45 012b 012c 02.25 116.0 -16.0 012c 012d 05.29 054.0 -14.0 012d 012di 01.50 262.5 -20.0 ;st012di=UP8 ;012d 012e 03.46 298.0 -07.0 ;012f 012e 14.51 050.0 +05.0 ;Johnny's Junction at oxbow ;Surveyors: R.Duffy ;Date: 23/11/03 ;Instruments: PAG 013 012 07.00 037.0 -03.0 ;st013 is on other side of climb downs 014 013 04.60 058.0 -02.0 ;along bedding 015 014 01.38 145.0 +17.0 ;into standing up passage 016 015 06.00 042.0 -05.0 ;st016 is in roof at right-hand bend 017 016 05.24 098.0 +22.0 018 017 06.35 115.0 -02.5 018 019 00.60 - UP ;st019=tag *end cy18