;Cave: Lanc.Hole from MB3 Stop Pot to Sideline rope in Snail Cavern - cut&paste from l5.svx ;Surveyors: Ray Duffy/Phil Goodwin ;Date: 19/09/96pm ;Instruments: Red Rose Silva Compass & Clino, RD's 50m tape ;;*equate l5.001 md4.012 ;;*equate l5.001 md5.012 ;;*equate l5.007 stop.007 ;;;*equate L5.001 wr15.001 ;joined to wretched rab to 4 ways ;;*equate l5.021 l4.030 ;;*equate l5.016b mlp.001 ;;;*equate L5.016b Mby.015 ;not sure about this ;;*equate l5.021 mlp.029 ;;;*equate L5.016 man1.049 ;;;*equate L5.021 maw4.021 ;;*equate l5.016 l5a.001 ;joined in side passage at Mainline Terminus ;;*equate l5.021 lsc.001 ;joined to Lower Snail ;;*equate l5.001 md5a.010 ;joining dry way from Eureka *begin l5i *export 001 *export 007 *calibrate compass +5.27 ; *fix 016 67334.81 80811.16 277.59 ;tag at Main Line Terminus 001 002 17.47 226.5 +19.0 ;SOX001=MB3=md5.012 Stop Pot(002=Left-hand side of boulder slope near drop to 4 Ways) 002 003 14.35 326.0 +25.0 003 004 12.55 215.0 +15.5 ;004 is head height at foot of ladder 004 005 01.80 252.0 00.0 ;end of hanging tape head height 005 006 06.50 - UP ;006=UP28 top of Stop Pot 006 007 02.90 187.5 -08.5 ;007=????? bolt at end of Slugs Survey??????CHECK ; the following legs are contained in l5.svx ;007 008 05.00 261.0 +09.5 ;008 009 14.22 257.0 -04.5 ;009 TAGGED passage on left not surveyed (blind?) ;Surveyors: Ray Duffy ;Date: 01/01/04 ;Instruments: PAG *calibrate compass +5.5 *calibrate clino +0.5 ;009 009a 10.30 120.0 +05.5 ;009a 009b 04.30 145.0 +08.0 ;Surveyors: Ray Duffy/Phil Goodwin ;Date: 19/09/96pm ;Instruments: Red Rose Silva Compass & Clino, RD's 50m tape *calibrate compass +5.27 ;009 010 13.70 286.5 -13.0 ;010 011 01.30 267.5 +38.0 ;011 012 01.70 - UP ;012 013 07.60 286.0 -22.5 ;013 014 13.21 322.0 +08.5 ;014 015 12.87 259.5 -01.5 ;015 016 02.70 212.0 -05.0 ;016=UP35 TAGGED (could not place MB8)Mainline Terminus ;*flags duplicate ; (Main Line Terminus) seems to duplicate 001-003 in l5a ;016 016x 21.00 326.0 -03.0 ;alcove on right at main line terminus ;*flags not duplicate ;*flags duplicate ; (Main Line Terminus) tie-ins duplicate 047-049 in man1 ;016 016a 12.20 174.0 00.0 ;these two legs join UP35 to MB8 ;016a 016b 10.50 151.0 +02.0 ;016b=MB8 (pag) ;016b 016c 22.00 299.0 -07.0 ;loop closure around main line terminus ;016c 016 16.90 053.0 +04.0 ;*flags not duplicate ;016 017 29.39 264.0 -04.5 ;017 018 32.06 288.5 -01.5 ;018 about 2m past UP36(boulder not recogisable) ;018 019 49.60 302.0 -07.8 ;019 020 38.44 223.5 +03.5 ;020 021 17.75 201.5 -14.5 ;021 TAGGED=rope from Sideline Passage(approx.4m past UP152 which is in ridiculous place) *end l5i