;Cave: County Pot - Trident - Boulder Chamber side passage ;Surveyors: A.Whitney/S.Lieberman ;Date: 12/11/02 ;Instruments: 2 ;*equate trident18.001 trident14.006 ;*equate trident18.012 trident15.005a ;*equate trident18.017 trident28b.001 ;*equate trident18.020 trident13.015 ;*equate trident18.020 trident28a.001 *begin trident18 *export 001 *export 012 *export 020 *export 017 *calibrate compass +4.00 *calibrate clino 00.0 *calibrate tape +2.00 001 002 06.08 083.0 +05.0 ;st001 is scratch on top of rock in Boulder Chamber 002 003 07.18 137.0 +03.0 ;st003 is at small streamway 3 to 12 are downstream 003 004 03.30 - DOWN 004 005 03.43 275.0 -17.0 005 006 04.02 255.0 -27.0 006 007 04.04 292.0 -26.0 007 008 02.78 217.0 -34.0 008 009 04.07 311.0 -21.0 009 010 04.50 254.0 -08.0 ;between 9 & 10 is bedding then cross-rift 010 011 04.00 288.0 -35.0 011 012 04.83 - DOWN ;st012 is bottom of chimney to side passage from bottom of Paper Floor pitch(adjusted to head height at bottom of pitch ;upstream from st003 003 013 05.37 120.0 00.0 013 014 04.12 073.0 +02.0 ;st014 has inlet on left, too tight 014 015 04.70 167.0 +03.0 015 016 04.87 110.0 +10.0 ;st016 is squeeze through tight slot to passage above 016 017 03.09 - UP ;st017 to 018 is oxbow on right joins back at018 with side passage near 018 too tight 017 018 04.69 225.0 +08.0 018 019 06.18 181.0 -08.0 019 020 03.79 - DOWN ;st020=tag11 in Paper Floor Passage *end trident18