;Cave: Trident - (Part2) Various connections from rope climb above Paper Floor tag ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/S.Lieberman ;Date: 07/01/03 ;Instruments: 3 ;*equate trident22a.001 trident17.010 ;joined to station above rope climb ;*equate trident22a.006 trident13.002 ;joins to tag in Bedstead Chamber ;*equate trident22a.006 trident19.001 ;joins to tag in Bedstead Chamber ;*equate trident22a.006 trident20.002h ;joins to tag in Bedstead Chamber *begin trident22a *export 001 *export 006 *calibrate compass -2.00 *calibrate clino +3.50 *calibrate tape +2.00 001 002 02.20 - UP ;st001 is on jammed block in rift above rope climb above Paper Floor 002 003 09.60 149.0 +05.0 004 003 09.34 240.0 +64.0 004 005 04.28 313.0 -45.0 005 006 03.38 - DOWN ;st006=tag in Bedstead Chamber *end trident22a