;Wretched Rabbit Ent to county pot - cut&paste from wr.svx ;Date: Wr ???1989 ;Surveyors:Various RRCPC, ray duffy, pete grant, christine bleakey ;*equate wr.010 wrb.001 ;;;*equate wr.010 wr8i.10 ;not needed any more ;;*equate wr.117 cy.087 ;;*equate wr.119 md5.025 ;*equate wr.010 wra.017 ;*equate wr.084a wr12a.006a ;*equate wr.098 wr14.012 ;*equate wr.105a wr15.010e ;connects to 4 Ways and Stop Pot ;*equate wr.038 wr16.001 ;cross rift to parallel streamway ;*equate wr.053 wr18.001 ;bolt hole to Mystery & Imagination ;*equate wr.066 wr19.001 ;tip of Big Stal ;*equate wr.119 wr25.008 ;*equate wr.078 wr24.004 ;tag on climb up to rope chamber *begin wrii *export 117 *export 119 *fix 119 67317.34 80830.41 251.12 ;Eureka Junction MB2 ;from big rift to MB2 eurika junction ;date: 19/07/96 ;surveyors: ray duffy, pete grant, christine b *calibrate compass +5.55 ;010 011 02.95 317.0 -05.5 ;st010 =fang in roof bot. of rift ;011 012 01.97 192.5 -00.5 ;012 013 03.48 308.5 +02.5 ;013 014 03.06 277.5 -10.0 ;014 015 01.54 209.5 -02.0 ;015 016 01.55 284.5 -02.5 ;016 017 03.43 353.5 +02.0 ;017 018 01.60 269.0 +03.0 ;018 019 04.50 219.5 -02.0 ;019 020 01.18 279.0 -03.0 ;020 021 02.85 230.5 00.0 ;021 022 03.88 276.0 -02.0 ;022 023 02.84 344.5 -07.0 ;eyehole thread on left ;023 024 02.23 328.5 -08.0 ;024 025 01.92 029.5 -03.5 ;st024 junc. climb bypass in floor ;025 026 01.80 264.0 +40.0 ;026 027 03.65 - DOWN ;climb down ;027 028 03.50 280.5 -06.5 ;028 029 04.42 314.5 -08.0 ;029 030 01.27 257.5 -01.5 ;030 031 02.10 198.5 -12.5 ;inlet on left ;031 032 05.33 324.5 -06.5 ;032 033 02.72 284.5 -00.5 ;033 034 03.12 265.5 -11.5 ;034 035 02.60 346.0 00.0 ;035 036 04.42 289.0 -06.5 ;036 037 03.00 200.0 -16.5 ;037 038 02.58 308.0 -02.0 ;junc. on R, pass to depot 1.5? ;038 039 03.25 252.0 -01.0 ;039 040 01.25 275.0 +25.0 ;040 041 01.90 332.0 +01.0 ;041 042 01.15 263.5 -01.5 ;042 043 01.95 308.0 -04.5 ;043 044 00.86 268.5 -03.0 ;044 045 01.70 323.5 -04.5 ;045 046 00.78 284.0 -01.5 ;046 047 03.53 327.0 +02.0 ;047 048 03.85 334.5 +03.5 ;top of cascades ;048 049 02.66 - DOWN ;049 050 01.64 000.0 +18.0 ;pass in roof ;050 051 03.60 - DOWN ;051 052 03.12 326.0 -21.5 ;hole in floor ;052 053 02.03 321.5 +07.5 ;inlet on R ;053 054 02.70 197.0 00.0 ;054 055 02.86 - DOWN ;055 056 02.00 180.0 -22.5 ;056 057 05.84 207.5 -25.0 ;aven, inlet in roof ;057 058 07.54 354.5 -05.5 ;058 059 01.87 355.5 -01.0 ;059 060 02.14 297.5 -04.0 ;060 061 04.97 009.0 -06.5 ;061 062 02.40 333.0 -03.0 ;062 063 02.76 281.5 -02.0 ;063 064 01.85 216.5 +03.0 ;064 065 01.66 272.0 -05.5 ;inlet on R ;065 066 01.17 193.5 +09.0 ;tip of big stal ;066 067 03.27 262.5 -04.5 ;067 068 01.68 321.0 -04.5 ;068 069 01.70 275.5 00.0 ;069 070 01.99 330.0 -02.0 ;070 071 03.12 256.0 -00.5 ;071 072 02.40 337.5 -02.5 ;072 073 01.20 048.0 +06.0 ;eyehole thread ;073 074 01.55 289.0 -09.5 ;074 075 03.95 352.5 -05.5 ;075 076 02.75 311.5 -08.5 ;chockstones ;076 077 02.80 355.0 -00.5 ;077 078 03.70 315.0 -08.0 ;big hole up ;078 079 04.13 330.0 -00.5 ;bedding to R ;079 080 02.40 238.0 +16.0 ;080 081 05.05 293.0 -05.0 ;081 082 02.77 269.0 -06.0 ;pass on L ;082 083 03.14 016.5 +01.0 ;083 084 02.00 315.0 +02.5 ;leave active stream main route is oxbow ;084 084a 05.80 207.0 -22.5 ;water sinks in choke ;084 085 03.60 355.0 +14.0 ;inlet on R ;085 086 01.65 308.0 -05.0 ;086 087 11.27 247.5 -02.5 ;pass on L in roof before 087,pass on R - needs digging,pass below - abandoned streamway? ;087 088 05.65 193.0 +10.0 ;088 089 09.37 262.0 -01.0 ;089 090 07.25 329.0 -01.5 ;090 091 07.25 298.0 -04.5 ;poss pass on L ;091 092 02.50 326.0 -37.0 ;inlet on R ;092 093 03.50 333.0 -09.0 ;093 094 01.60 278.5 -08.5 ;094 095 04.20 230.5 -05.0 ;cross rift L/R to tight ;095 096 09.60 261.5 -00.5 ;pass straight on ;096 097 04.70 340.0 -12.0 ;097 098 05.87 254.5 -12.0 ;pass L back to 096 pass on R to dig?st098=Start of crawl, fang in roof ;098 099 11.05 259.0 -05.0 ;end of crawl ;099 100 11.05 305.0 -03.0 ;100 101 09.15 297.0 -05.0 ;101 102 06.67 287.0 -03.0 ;102 103 04.60 350.5 -05.5 ;103 104 03.15 088.0 -26.5 ;104 105 05.13 330.0 -04.0 ;under four ways chamber ;105 105a 02.50 128.0 +41.0 ;105a=UP24, below four ways ;105 106 06.97 297.5 +10.0 ;106 107 06.79 305.5 -03.5 ;107 108 05.17 265.5 -01.0 ;108 109 05.07 260.0 -01.5 ;109 110 09.95 297.5 -02.5 ;stal on ledge ;110 111 09.35 316.0 -03.5 ;111 112 03.50 285.5 -10.0 ;112 113 01.10 223.0 +11.0 ;113 114 10.05 297.0 -01.0 ;114 115 06.90 312.5 -04.0 ;115 116 02.90 244.0 -10.0 ;pierces passage in county ;116 117 02.27 280.0 +02.0 ;st117=tag=UP11=cy.087 ; two legs down the very last part of Pierce's passage to Eureka junction 117 118 19.05 310.0 -02.0 118 119 09.65 002.0 -04.0 ;119=MB2, bolt hole roof eureka junction *end wrii