;Survey : Nice Way, off Mancunion Way, Easegill ;Date : 13/01/2001 ;Tape : Andy Ive ;Instruments : Sam Lieberman for legs 1 to 3, Andy Hall for the rest ;Drawings : Sam Lieberman ;Compass S/N : 011673 (kit1) ;Clino S/N : 51718 ;*equate maw2.0 maw1.025 ;;*equate maw2.24 sylv1.syl2.503 ;;;*equate maw2.24 maw3.000 ;*equate maw2.4 maw4.001 ;*equate maw2.12 maw5.001 ;*equate maw2.18 maw5.011 ;*equate maw2.20 maw5.021 *begin maw2 *export 24 *export 12 *export 20 *export 18 *export 0 *export 4 *calibrate compass +6.50 *fix 24 67321.56 80605.89 283.75 ;st20 is top of first pitch to Clough's Passage 0 1 7.6 216 +10 1 2 8.0 186 +01 2 3 5.0 139 +06 3 4 6.0 120 +38 4 5 10.6 157 +25 5 6 3.3 204 -10 6 7 2.3 - UP 7 8 6.7 111 -06 8 9 24.7 149 +03 9 10 9.4 091 -03 10 11 30.5 134 +03 11 12 13.9 141 +03 12 13 10.5 109 +03 13 14 5.2 093 +06 14 15 6.1 145 +04 15 16 10.5 192 +07 15 17 9.1 113 +06 ;Following 2 legs were split from the 1 originally measured to accommodate a junction at stn 18. 17 18 7.1 100 +02 18 19 8.6 100 +02 19 20 4.2 135 +05 20 22 8.6 163 +09 22 23 0.6 - DOWN 23 24 1.0 253 00 ;st24=syl1.503 22 21 1.6 163 +09 *end maw2 ;20 21 10.2 163 +09 This was the last properly measured leg ; however it overshot the pitch to Cloughs. To link in to the bolt on the pitch ; we measured 1.6m back along the leg, then 0.6m plumb down and 1.0m perpendicular ; to the right of the leg in the direction of surveying. ; Thus I propose: - ; Could probably do with resurveying properly from stn 20. ;STN L R U D ;Description ;0 1 0.3 0.6 Pitch ;Bolt at top of Easegill aven ;1 1 1 0.3 0.3 ;L. edge at top of boulder in middle of crawl ;2 1 0 0.2 0.3 ;R.H. wall in crawl ;3 3.5 3.5 4 0 ;Top of boulder in floor of chamer at end of crawl ;4 0 2 4 1.5 ;Tag in crack of L.H. wall below sideline ;5 0 4 0 1 ;Wall, shelf on L.H. side before climb thro boulders ;6 2 2 7.3 0 ;Base of climb up through boulders ;7 0 0.5 2.3 5 ;L.H. wall in passage above climb. ;8 4 1.5 1.5 1.5 ;Calcite bulge R.H.S. ;9 3 0 1 1 ;Wall R.H.S. joint in roof. ;10 1.5 5 1 0.2 ;Rock in floor L.H.S. straw infested passage ;Passage averages 5m wide between legs 10 & 11, cross section similar to stn 11 ;11 2 2 1.5 0.1 ;Floor of passage ;12 2 2 0.7 1 ;Top of rock at dividing point of Jnct. ;13 1.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 ;R.H. wall @ R.H. bend in passage, slabs in floor ;14 0.4 1 0.3 1 ;Shelf L.H.S. passage, trench in floor ;15 1.2 1 0.6 1 ;Shelf R.H.S. at exit of bedding crawl ;16 0.6 0 0.2 0.2 ;R.H. wall in R.H. branch end of crawl. Diggable ;17 2 0 0.3 0.3 ;R.H.shelf above far end of oxbow trench R.H.S. ;18 3.5 2 0.3 0.3 ;Cairn at junction R.H.S. ;19 0.4 2 0.5 0.6 ;Shelf L.H.S. opposite too tight tube on right ;20 1 1.2 0.4 0.5 ;Tag in mud separating L & R passages at Junction ;21 2 1.5 0 0.6 ;Scratched cross in roof 1.6 m past Cloughs bolt. ;22 ;Ficticious Stn 1.6m back on last leg, opposite bolt ;23 ;Ficticious Stn, 0.6m below Stn 22 ;24 ;Bolt at the top of chimney down to Cloughs