;Cave: Montague West to Cross Passage digs ;Surveyors: Ray Duffy/Angela Hare ;Date: 08/02/97 pm ;Instruments: Red Rose Sunto Compass & Clino, 30m tape ;;*equate mw4.001 mw3.006 *begin mw4 *export 001 *calibrate compass +5.17 001 002 07.49 317.5 +00.5 ;001 is start of Right hand passage at mw3.006 001 001a 03.00 236.0 -15.0 ;short passage straight ahead at junction 002 003 07.49 317.5 +00.5 003 004 02.90 281.0 +05.0 004 005 04.97 239.0 00.0 ;T junc. 005 006 03.63 267.0 +17.0 005 005a 06.00 149.0 00.0 ;very tight, poor readings *end mw4