;Cave: Lancaster Hole-Skittle Alley Sump to Stemple Traverse ;Surveyors: Ben Shaw/Ray Duffy/Frank ;Date: 12/08/00 ;Instruments: Kit 1 ;;*equate sa3.001a sa1.008a *begin sa3 *export 001a *calibrate compass +6.50 001a 001b 01.70 - UP ;st001a is sump level 001b 001 10.70 355.0 +25.0 001 001c 06.00 345.0 +16.0 ;st004 is head height below inlet on right of passage facing sump 001 002 01.70 - UP 002 003 11.20 175.0 +27.0 003 004 06.40 172.0 +29.0 ;st004 is end of stemple traverse 004 005 07.20 170.0 +42.0 005 006 06.80 - UP ;ladder pitch 006 007 06.70 170.0 +24.0 ;into boulder choke 007 008 04.50 180.0 +10.0 ;end of bouldery chamber *end sa3