;Cave: Wretched Rabbit - Inlet of Parallel Streamway ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/A.Hall ;Date: 12/01/03 ;Instruments: 5 ;*equate wr7a.003 wrb.017 *begin wr7a *export 003 *calibrate compass 0.00 *calibrate clino +1.00 *calibrate tape +1.00 ;001 002 06.00 036.0 -20.0 ;st001 is start of passage off Big Rift ;002 003 06.40 008.0 -03.0 ;st003 is junction of inlet and Parallel Streamway 003 004 03.80 142.0 +09.0 004 005 02.35 091.0 +04.0 ;between 4 & 5 is small oxbow on left 005 006 02.75 175.0 +24.0 006 007 02.80 221.0 +19.0 007 008 06.40 127.0 +09.0 008 009 02.10 078.0 -08.0 009 010 02.40 144.0 -05.0 010 011 06.10 093.0 +06.0 011 012 12.00 118.0 +10.0 ;st012 is choke,4m after st011 is small inlet on left where water enters *end wr7a