;Cave: Aygill- Beyond Curtain Chamber ;Surveyors: H.St.Lawrence/B.Lawson ;Date: 1/7/2012 ;Instruments: HughStL compass and clino *begin ay26 *export 000 *calibrate compass +3.00 000 001 1.98 023 24 ;stn0 = obvious projection of rock on right of passage looking in 001 002 2.63 056 24 002 003 3.05 013 39 003 004 1.71 - UP ;up onto rock platform past scaffolding 004 005 2.96 048 47 ;leg up into chamber 005 006 3.66 342 29 ;into far corner of aven chamber, stn 6 on right wall 1.5m off floor 005 007 0.83 024 5 007 008 1.91 083 -46 ;down into corner passage 008 009 2.40 024 -23 ;into tight rift 009 010 2.30 - DOWN ; estimated leg down into blind chamber/alcove 004 011 3.37 299 3 ;leg into bedding plane dig with hole at end *end ay26