;Cave: Boundary Pot - Barstewards Crawl ent. to base of climbs ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/A.Hall ;Date: 15/07/06 ;Instruments: PAG +disto *equate bdy2b.011 bdy2a.011 *equate bdy2b.008g bdy2a.003a *equate bdy2b.001 bdy3.034 *equate bdy2b.004 bdy2d.007 ;st004 is middle of main passage from loop *equate bdy2b.001 bdy7a.008 ;st001 is head at entrance to Barstewards Crawl with legs in crawl *begin bdy2b *export 011 *export 001 *export 008g *export 004 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino -0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 05.42 023.0 -01.0 ;st001 is head at entrance to Barstewards Crawl with legs in crawl 002y 002z 04.10 112.0 +35.0 ;st002z is end of choke in new passage 002y 002x 02.90 338.0 -33.0 002 002x 03.48 051.0 -02.0 002 003 05.54 248.0 -01.0 003 004 05.38 149.0 +06.0 ;;004 004a 03.07 099.0 00.0 ;leg replaced by Bdy2d 004 004b 02.50 209.0 +07.0 004 005 01.57 163.0 +02.0 005 006 03.20 192.0 +05.0 006 007 03.47 115.0 00.0 007 008 03.78 129.0 +05.0 008 009 01.40 168.0 +03.0 009 010 01.30 206.0 +02.0 010 011 03.00 123.0 +08.0 008 008a 01.90 298.0 -14.0 008a 008b 01.42 - UP ;up through hole in roof of passage into upper passage 008b 008c 00.70 - UP ;st008c head height standing over hole 008c 008d 03.57 192.0 +16.0 ;start of climbs up 008d 008e 00.97 108.0 00.0 008e 008f 01.80 - UP 008f 008g 02.80 152.0 +10.0 *end bdy2b