;Cave: Boundary Pot - Bar Steward's Crawl ;Surveyors: F.Addis/J.Mundy ;Date: 26/08/83 ;Instruments: FA ;;;;*equate Bdy7.016 Bdy4.003a ;not needed *equate bdy7.024 bdy3.034 *begin bdy7 *calibrate compass +7.07 ;*calibrate clino ;*calibrate tape 016 017 16.50 - UP ;st017 top of pitch (18m pitch but 1.5m taken off for head height) 017 018 04.20 164.0 00.0 018 019 03.30 - UP ;top of climb 019 020 01.70 145.0 00.0 020 021 02.00 210.0 +23.0 021 022 01.40 168.0 +15.0 ;st022 is start of crawl up side passage 022 61 01.70 236.0 +15.0 ;st60-68 crawl up side passage 61 62 01.20 185.0 +07.0 62 63 01.00 244.0 +07.0 63 64 01.60 115.0 +07.0 64 65 01.00 180.0 +07.0 65 66 02.30 270.0 +05.0 66 67 02.30 184.0 +07.0 67 68 02.10 124.0 +12.0 ;low crawl 022 023 05.00 108.0 00.0 023 024 03.50 105.0 00.0 ;st24 is pool at start of Bar Steward's Crawl *end bdy7