*equate PicklePassage3.001 gri03.001 *equate PicklePassage3.006 PicklePassage2.005 *begin PicklePassage3 *export 001 006 *title "Small section of pickle passage - from end of the grind" *date 2013.03.03 *team Instruments Tom Clayton *team Notes Emma Wilson *team Tape Tom Clayton *instrument Tom Clayton's Tandem Comp and Clino *calibrate compass +1.0 ; Calibrated on 03/03/2013 *calibrate clino +0.5 ; Calibrated on 03/03/2013 *calibrate tape 0.00 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks 002 001 5.53 233 +1 ; Station 001 is from origial grind survey - check with Tom, James for name of file. 003 002 4.54 272 -2 ; 004 003 2.38 310 -4 ; 005 004 1.23 329 -5 ; 005 006 1.70 124 +4 ; Station 006 is station 005 from PicklePassage2 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 002 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.1 ; 003 0.5 1.0 0.2 0.5 ; lump at corner 004 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.4 ; 005 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 ; 006 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 ; *end PicklePassage3