;Cave: Lancaster Hole-Earby Series-Equinox Hall (cont.) ;Surveyors: Dave Ramsey/Sam Lieberman/Mark Stubbs ;Date: 28/11/98 ;Instruments: Kit 2 *equate es4.001 es2.010 *begin es4 *export 001 *export 009 *calibrate compass +6.00 ;*fix 001 001 002 04.69 331.0 -20.0 ;st001=es2.009 black carbide mark top of boulder/st002 is scratch on backwall 002 003 02.44 058.0 -56.0 ;Left Hand Wall 003 004 07.06 155.0 +01.0 ;pebble on rock at end of chamber 003 005 01.74 041.0 -01.0 ;st005 is top of boulder 005 006 01.40 038.0 -07.0 ;st006 is stals in mud floor 006 007 04.48 061.0 -02.0 ;st007 is knobble 007 008 03.50 041.0 00.0 ;st008 is rock in floor 008 009 04.40 030.0 -11.0 ;st009 is stal boss in chamber *end es4