;Cave: County Cave 2 ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 20/01/04 ;Instruments: PAG *begin cc2 *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 00.0 *fix 001 67554.92 80545.33 318.64 ;aadw.sf4.002dc 001 002 02.56 158.0 +03.0 ;st001=tag at entrance in roof 002 003 02.10 132.0 +01.0 003 004 04.37 166.0 +02.0 004 005 02.18 - DOWN ;step down into big chamber 005 006 04.53 148.0 +14.5 006 007 03.19 137.0 +06.0 007 008 02.15 - UP ;step up onto ledge below aven at end of big chamber 009 008 01.68 013.0 +16.0 ;st019 is start of small passage on right of ledge, one to left ends after one bodylength 009 010 03.28 168.0 +11.0 010 011 03.57 195.0 +06.0 ;st011 is below small dribbly inlet on choked cobble slope ;passage below main chamber found by sliding dow through boulders at start of big chamber ;Surveyors: S.Lieberman/A.Whitney (too tight for Ray 101 102 01.22 224.0 -06.0 ;st101 is far end of lower passage from climb down 102 103 02.31 354.0 -09.0 103 104 01.43 268.0 +26.0 104 105 02.43 309.0 -14.0 105 106 01.36 034.0 -08.0 106 107 01.52 316.0 -10.0 107 108 00.80 054.0 +14.0 108 109 02.03 325.0 +03.0 109 110 01.75 010.0 -06.0 110 111 02.44 338.0 +32.0 111 112 01.71 - UP ;start of climb up 112 113 01.98 129.0 +58.0 113 114 01.71 174.0 +59.0 ;squeeze 114 115 02.45 158.0 +22.0 115 116 01.82 - UP 116 117 01.20 083.0 +12.0 117 118 01.70 - UP ;head height at start of big chamber 118 003 01.78 353.0 -05.0 *end cc2