;Cave: Sheepfold Cave ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman/A.Hall ;Date: 20/11/05 ;Instruments: PAG + disto ;*equate Shf.A swh.001 *begin shf01 *date 2005.11.20 *export A 001 003 *calibrate compass +4.00 *calibrate clino +1.00 *calibrate tape 0.00 *entrance 001 ;*fix 001 67609.12 80604.44 318.87 moved to parent file shf.svx *flags surface A B 30.22 077.5 +13.0 ;stA=tag at Swindon Hole B C 10.63 152.5 +05.0 ;stB is edge of sheepfold wall C 001 05.81 080.0 -24.0 ;st001 is head height laid flat out at entrance *flags not surface 002 001 02.73 314.0 +01.0 003 002 02.50 255.0 +01.0 ;st003 has inlet to left very tight that leads towards gulley at left of sheepfold 004 003 03.43 328.0 -09.0 005 004 01.72 281.0 -02.0 005 006 01.66 154.0 +02.0 007 006 01.19 290.0 -04.0 008 007 01.33 011.0 -05.0 009 008 04.49 311.0 -06.0 ;st009 is choke *end shf01