;Cave: Lancaster Hole - half way up Assembly Hall to Nagasaki ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 01/03/08 ;Instruments: MKO + disto *equate md2ai.101 md2b.010a ;tag Rock of Ages *equate md2ai.101 md2ci.001 ;tag Rock of Ages *equate md2ai.001 md3c.006 ;st001 is back against crack next to small chimney in chamber ;*equate md2ai.106 T09a.031 ;tag above slope to NW Passage *equate md2ai.107 md2bi.021 ;tag at base of climb to Fuckyama ;*equate md2ai.022 T09c.001f ;from North West Passage pitch route *begin md2ai *export 001 *export 101 *export 106 *export 107 *export 022 *calibrate compass +1.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 001 001a 04.85 116.0 +08.0 001a 001b 04.77 057.0 +05.0 ;into bedding, pebble/sand choke at end 001 002 05.10 063.0 -15.0 ;st002 is on floor at base of climb up 002 003 04.75 - UP ;st003 is on roof of bedding 004 003 03.62 157.0 +04.0 ;st004 is in small pit after bedding 004 005 01.97 125.0 +61.0 ;st005 is head height lying in traverse/Sideways level 005 005a 09.69 228.0 +01.0 ;st005a is choke at end of 1m high bedding 005 005b 03.93 116.0 +06.0 ;st005b is end of samll sand dig 005 006 04.96 331.0 +16.0 ;start of Sideways Passage 006 007 03.60 018.0 +02.0 007 008 03.28 045.0 +05.0 008 009 03.38 355.0 +06.0 009 010 02.49 012.0 -03.0 010 011 03.17 039.0 00.0 011 012 01.86 002.0 +01.0 012 013 03.31 031.0 +02.0 013 014 04.33 078.0 +01.0 014 015 03.41 012.0 +01.0 015 016 02.33 070.0 00.0 016 017 03.91 117.0 00.0 017 018 01.75 093.0 00.0 018 019 02.79 044.0 +05.0 019 020 05.42 018.0 00.0 020 021 09.03 069.0 00.0 021 022 02.51 071.0 +10.0 ;st022=tag at end of Sideways/start of Nagasaki 023 022 03.57 124.0 -34.0 023 024 06.31 071.0 +26.0 024 025 14.28 - UP ;st025 is roof of aven 101 102 01.52 - UP ;st101=tag in Rock of Ages floor 102 102a 03.62 179.0 -17.0 ;st101a is old paper station at foot of climb from Saki Rift 102 103 06.16 312.0 -12.0 ;start of sand rift 103 104 02.07 263.0 -42.0 104 105 06.77 216.0 -10.0 ;st105 is sand bridge at lip of drop beyond sand chimney 105 106 07.77 205.0 -52.0 ;st106=tag at pit to NW streamway 106 107 15.58 221.0 +04.0 ;st107=tag at Fukuyama 107 108 04.21 262.0 +23.0 ;st108 is head height on flat boulder at foot of awkward climb 108 108a 09.34 278.0 +58.0 ;st018a is high on wall of 'Over the Top Route' 108 109 06.87 237.0 -39.0 ;st109 is cobble on right wall of 'Under the Bridge Route' 109 110 07.08 201.0 -05.0 110 110a 02.15 019.0 -66.0 ;st110a is star scratched on rok from survey down NW Passage 110 111 04.18 322.0 +42.0 111 108a2 14.17 028.0 +51.0 ;st018a2 is high on wall of 'Over the Top Route' 111 112 09.02 245.0 -09.0 ;st112 is top of stal(previously used survey station?) 112 113 16.42 259.0 -13.0 113 022 00.87 028.0 +24.0 ;st114=022=tag *end md2ai