;Cave: Main Drain area around Maracaibo and Oxbow Corner ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/A.Hall/S.Lieberman ;Date: 18/05/02 ;Instruments: 1 *equate md7e.001 md7d.003 *equate md7e.008c md7d.001 ;*equate Md7e.004 Mar01.021 *begin md7e *export 001 *export 008c *export 004 *calibrate compass +3.00 001 002 03.78 357.0 +06.0 ;st001=st002 md7d entrance to Maracaibo from Main Drain 002 003 01.75 - UP 003 004 02.92 094.0 +18.0 004 005 02.47 - UP ;chimney up to breakdown passage 005 006 03.19 064.0 +05.0 006 007 03.27 066.0 +41.0 007 008 02.46 029.0 -04.0 008 008a 03.42 265.0 -19.0 008a 008b 13.35 256.0 +01.0 008b 008c 11.30 241.0 -32.0 ;st008c=up157=md7d.001 008 009 03.17 083.0 +07.0 009 010 06.35 023.0 -15.0 010 011 04.02 069.0 00.0 011 012 05.40 115.0 +08.0 ;crawl under very dangerous loose boulder not surveyed, end of upstream chamber/passage probably connects to passages of md7d *end md7e