;Surface survey from Bench Mark at Bull Pot Farm to County ;Surveyors: Ray Duffy/Hugh St.Lawrence ;Date: 01/05/98 afternoon ;Instruments: kit 3 AG (334.5) *begin pth1 *export 001 *fix 001 66287.82 81443.85 301.92 ;ev.ss13.030 *fix 035 67532.25 80576.64 314.29 ;ev.ss01.035 *calibrate compass +4.50 001 002 01.15 - UP ;st.001=BM at farm 002 003 60.00 103.0 +01.5 ;st.003 centre of track 2.5m to each wall 003 004 60.00 090.0 +05.5 ;15.5m to gate 004 005 60.00 088.5 +05.5 005 006 60.00 085.5 +07.0 006 007 60.00 092.0 +05.0 007 008 60.00 088.5 +04.5 008 009 60.00 089.0 +04.5 009 010 60.00 092.0 +02.0 010 011 60.00 108.5 +03.5 ;25.70m to gatepost 011 012 40.30 120.5 -02.5 ;st.012 is gully, 13.5m where path leaves track 012 013 30.00 127.0 +08.5 ;path 4m right 013 014 60.00 155.5 +01.5 ;path 3m right 014 015 60.00 162.0 +00.5 ;path 3m right 015 016 60.00 159.0 +02.5 ;path centre 016 017 60.00 156.5 -00.5 ;path centre 017 018 60.00 154.0 +01.0 ;path centre 018 019 45.00 138.0 00.0 ;path centre 019 020 60.00 140.0 +02.0 ;15m to gully 020 021 55.00 132.0 +02.0 ;path 5m left, 20m to dip/gully 021 022 60.00 107.0 -00.5 ;path centre 022 023 60.00 129.0 +02.0 ;path centre 023 024 60.00 127.0 +04.0 ;path centre 024 025 60.00 131.0 00.0 ;path centre 025 026 60.00 131.0 -04.0 ;path centre, wall at 58m 026 026a 15.00 124.0 -04.5 ;stile 026a 027 15.00 124.0 -04.5 ;026 027 30.00 124.0 -04.5 ;15m to stile, 25m to stream 027 028 60.00 177.0 -02.0 ;path centre, fence 5m R 028 029 60.00 175.0 -02.5 ;bog centre 029 030 60.00 175.0 -02.5 ;fence 5m R 030 031 51.25 162.0 -06.0 ;over brow 031 032 60.00 158.0 -08.5 032 033 35.00 140.5 -12.0 ;MB244 is 23.5m 033 034 24.40 177.0 -19.0 ;st.034=stile 034 035 19.60 046.0 -28.5 ;st035=tag County Pot *end pth1