;Survey of road from Gale Garth Farm to Bull Pot Farm Bench Mark ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/P.Grant ;Date: 27-01-97 ;Instruments: Red Rose Sunto Compass & Clino, 2x30m tape *equate rd1.030 bpf01.001 ;BM at Bullpot Farm *begin rd1 *export 030 *calibrate compass +5.45 ;;;;*fix 030 66287.82 81443.85 301.92 ;ev.ss13.030 013 014 60.00 087.5 +00.5 013 013a 03.00 177.5 00.0 013a 014a 60.00 087.5 +00.5 014 015 60.00 063.0 -02.5 014a 015a 60.00 063.0 -02.5 015 016 60.00 060.0 -01.5 015a 016a 60.00 060.0 -01.5 016 017 60.00 051.0 +00.5 016a 017a 62.00 051.0 +00.5 017 018 60.00 036.0 -02.0 017a 018a 60.00 036.0 -02.0 018 019 60.00 041.5 -03.5 018a 019a 60.00 041.5 -03.5 019 020 60.00 052.5 -01.5 019a 020a 60.00 052.5 -01.5 020 021 60.00 052.5 +00.5 020a 021a 60.00 052.5 +00.5 021 022 60.00 053.5 +01.0 021a 022a 62.00 053.5 +01.0 022 023 60.00 034.0 -04.5 022a 023a 60.00 034.0 -04.5 023 024 60.00 033.0 -05.0 023a 024a 60.00 033.0 -05.0 024 025 60.00 031.5 -04.0 024a 025a 58.00 031.5 -04.0 025 026 60.00 060.5 -05.0 025a 026a 60.00 060.5 -05.0 026 027 60.00 067.0 -05.0 026a 027a 59.00 067.0 -05.0 027 028 36.70 083.5 -05.0 ;st028 nail at head height in footpath sign on farm lane bend 027a 028a 33.70 083.5 -05.0 028 029 60.00 151.0 -03.0 028a 029a 58.00 151.0 -03.0 029a 029 03.00 061.0 00.0 029 030 08.85 192.5 -10.0 ;st030=BM at BPF *end rd1