;Cave: County Pot - Trident - Bedstead Chamber to Guillotine Aven ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman/H.St.Lawrence ;Date: 03/12/02 ;Instruments: PAG *equate trident19.001 trident13.002 ;tag in bottom of Bedstead Chamber *equate trident19.001 trident20.002h ;tag in bottom of Bedstead Chamber *equate trident19.001 trident22a.006 ;tag in bottom of Bedstead Chamber *equate trident19.005c trident12.004 ;tag in Final Chamber loop *equate trident19.005c trident20.001 ;joined at Final Chamber(bottom of Guil.Aven) *equate trident19.005c trident21.001 ;joined at Final Chamber(bottom of Guil.Aven) *begin trident19 *export 005c *export 001 *calibrate compass +4.50 *calibrate clino 00.0 001 002 01.00 - UP ;st001=tag in Bedstead Chamber 002 003 05.60 153.0 +25.0 ;st003 is at bottom of rope on ledge of Bedstead 003 004 06.90 - UP ;st004 is head height at top of pitch 004 005 03.60 148.0 +11.0 ;st005 is at junction to Guillotine, bolts above to bedding?????? 005 006 06.46 146.0 +32.0 ;st006 is in small chamber 006 007 02.43 146.0 00.0 ;st007 is in choke at end of chamber 005 005a 01.95 059.5 +20.0 ;st005a is on rope at lip of pitch 005a 005b 07.80 - DOWN ;st005b is kneeling at bottom of rope 005b 005c 05.19 143.0 -50.0 ;st005c=tag9a in Final Chamber start *end trident19