;Cave: Top Sink - Old Limerick Passage ;Surveyors: Mark Shinwell/Martin Green ;Date: 01/12/07 ;Instruments: kit1 *equate t06a.001 t09b.001 ;tag at Limerick Juntion *equate t06a.006 t06b.001 ;tag on right wall *equate t06a.017 t06ai.00a ;Piece of paper at end of previous survey T06a.017 *begin t06a *export 001 *export 006 *export 017 *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino 0.00 *calibrate tape +0.12 001 002 01.49 110.0 +03.5 ;tag at Limerick Juntion 002 003 04.00 130.0 +10.0 004 003 07.33 194.0 -09.0 005 004 04.80 299.0 -44.0 006 005 03.28 282.0 -16.0 007 005 03.59 332.0 -06.0 008 007 02.46 019.0 -30.0 009 008 01.93 045.0 +08.0 ;Surveyors: Martin Green (Notes) ; Becka Lawson (Instruments) ; Julian Todd (Tape) ;Date: 12/01/08 ;Instruments: Becka's Shetland Attack Pony, Yellow open reel tape 008 0081 01.61 086.0 -32.0 ;008 top of boulder on previous survey labelled stn8. 0082 0081 02.71 333.0 +09.0 ;0081 unmarked boulder. 0082 0083 02.08 059.0 +07.0 ;0082 unmarked RH wall. 0083 0084 01.61 145.0 +15.0 ;0084 below aven at end of passage, too tight above. *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino 0.00 *calibrate tape +0.12 009 010 02.20 233.0 -69.0 011 010 03.08 002.0 -01.0 012 011 03.09 049.0 +16.5 013 012 01.46 028.0 -01.0 014 013 04.49 015.0 +12.0 015 014 02.59 027.5 -15.0 016 015 05.74 009.0 -11.5 016 017 03.94 204.0 +24.0 *end t06a ;st L R U D ;details ;008 0.2 0.9 ~5.0 3.0 ;top of boulder at junction marked with 2 pencil arrows 1m from st8 ;0081 0.6 0.2 ~6.0 1.8 ;0082 0.5 0.0 ~6.0 1.2 ;0083 0.0 0.6 ~6.0 1.2 ;0084 ~6.0 1.2 ;001 ;tag at Limerick Juntion ;002 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.8 ;roof ;003 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.45 ;roof nodule ;004 1.8 1.2 2.5 0.4 point on rock marked "4" + arrow ;005 0.6 0.7 1.6 5.0 ;point on wall ;006 0.6 0.3 4.0 1.1 tag on R Wall in L passage ;007 0.25 0.75 6.0 2.8 ;cross on L wall ;008 8.0 2.7 ;top of boulder at junction marked with 2 pencil arrows 1m from st8 ;009 0.0 1 ~8 0.9 ;red rawlplug L wall ;010 0.4 ;point in mud ;011 0.3 0.9 3.0 0.7 ;opoint L wall ;012 0.4 1.1 0.0 0.5 ;Point on ceiling ;013 0.5 0.7 1.2 0.3 ;yellow tag ;014 0.85 0.5 0.3 12 ;wobbly boulder on floor ;015 ;top of boulder ;016 2.7 0.7 1.7 12/7 ;top of boulder fallen of R wall ;017 ;paper on wall marked " CA 6-12-92"