;Cave: Top Sink - Old Limerick Passage - continuation ;Surveyors: Martin Green (Notes) ; Becka Lawson (Instruments) ; Julian Todd (Tape) ;Date: 12/01/08 ;Instruments: Becka's Shetland Attack Pony, Yellow open reel tape *equate t06ai.00a t06a.017 ;Piece of paper at end of previous survey T06a.017 *equate t06ai.00a t06aii.016 ;piece of paper on previous surveys *equate t06ai.021 t06aiii.e ;tip of stal RH wall near climb down. *begin t06ai *export 00a *export 021 *calibrate compass 0.00 *calibrate clino 0.00 *calibrate tape 0.00 00a 005 02.10 339.0 -20.0 ;00A piece of paper at end of previous survey T06a.017 005 006 04.53 293.0 -58.0 ;005 RH wall at beginning of passage 007 006 03.76 082.0 +27.0 ;006 pencil RH wall at shoulder height 007 008 02.15 252.0 +05.0 ;007 rock on floor 009 008 04.02 086.0 -14.0 ;008 RH wall undecut 009 010 03.68 220.0 -18.0 ;009 pencil RH wall 011 010 06.14 091.0 -07.0 ;010 pencil RH wall 011 012 04.73 282.0 -11.0 ;011 pencil RH wall 013 012 04.03 068.0 +53.0 ;012 pencil RH wall at choke 013 014 01.89 261.0 -58.0 ;013 scratch RH wall. 014 pencil LH wall 015 014 02.58 072.0 +27.0 ;015 pencil RH wall, low. 015 016 02.51 - DOWN ;016 lower station 017 016 02.99 060.0 00.0 ;017 pencil x 3rd stal 018 017 05.44 041.0 +05.0 ;018 18 scratched on rock in middle of passage 019 018 02.29 018.0 +06.0 ;019 pencil on calcite LH wall 020 019 02.25 062.0 +08.0 ;020 pencil RH wall 021 020 03.27 015.0 +09.0 ;021 tip of stal RH wall near climb down. *end t06ai ;st L R U D ;details ;00A ;00A piece of paper at end of previous survey T06a.017 ;005 0.4 0.0 ~5.0 1.0 ;006 0.6 1.0 >5.0 1.6 ;007 0.6 1.0 ~6.0 0.1 ;008 1.4 0.3 ~5.0 0.6 ;009 0.8 0.5 ~6.0 1.5 ;010 1.3 0.2 ~5.0 1.3 ;011 1.0 0.3 3.5 1.6 ;012 2.5 0.4 2.6 3.7 ;013 2.5 2.5 1.2 1.8 ;014 0.1 0.4 2.5 2.5 ;015 0.4 0.1 1.6 0.4 ;016 ;017 0.1 0.6 0.2 1.2 ;018 0.2 0.2 0.25 ~2.0 ;019 0.0 0.35 0.5 2.0 ;020 0.5 0.0 0.4 1.7 ;021 0.1 0.25 0.2 3.0