;Cave: Top Sink - Limerick Passage - part 2 ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 05/04/08 ;Instruments: MKO + disto *equate t06bi.002a t06b.007 ;st002a is small cairn on shelf *begin t06bi *export 002a *calibrate compass +1.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 002 001 02.87 311.0 +17.0 002 002a 01.56 353.0 +31.0 ;st002a is small cairn on shelf 002 003 03.21 075.0 +21.0 ;st003 is head height with elbow on boulder 003 004 02.14 197.0 -05.0 ;st004 is floor at foot of awkward climb 004 005 03.29 - UP 005 006 01.60 113.0 +27.0 105 006 02.29 003.0 -57.0 105 104 02.95 180.0 +21.0 103 104 01.43 009.0 -61.0 102 103 04.40 304.0 -26.0 ;st103 is junction with Grapes of Wrath passage 102 101 06.02 126.0 +33.0 *end t06bi