;Cave: Top Sink - North West Passage downstream from Limerick junction toT09a ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman ;Date: 06/04/07 ;Instruments: disto + S.A.P. Phil Underwood's electronic *equate t09b.020 t09a.031 ;tag in Nagasaki *equate t09b.001 t01bii.055 ;tag at Limerick Juntion *equate t09b.001 t06a.001 ;tag at Limerick Juntion *equate t09b.001 t02i.001 ;tag at Limerick Juntion *begin t09b *export 001 *export 020 ;*calibrate compass ;*calibrate clino ;*calibrate tape 001 002 03.85 346.0 -16.0 ;st001=tag at Limerick Junction 002 003 02.60 - DOWN ;st002 standing at lip of small waterfall 004 003 04.29 003.0 -11.0 ;st003 foot of waterfall on floor 004 005 06.99 247.0 -10.0 005 006 11.16 207.0 -13.0 ;st006 has slope to to two small chambers below Bridge of Sighs B.O.S. 006 007 01.23 - DOWN 007 008 03.99 254.0 -10.0 ;just upstream of st009 is 2m climb into small passage on right back to bedding and on left to chamber with poss. link back to below B.O.S. 008 009 05.34 254.0 -10.0 ;from st009 roof lowers as high rift is lost 009 010 06.62 308.0 00.0 010 011 05.40 271.0 -10.0 011 012 00.57 - DOWN ;st012 is floor at start of low wet bedding 012 013 06.32 206.0 -06.0 013 014 06.59 251.0 -08.0 ;st014 is on right angled left bend and has bedding and small inlet to right 014 015 02.60 171.0 -01.0 ;st015 has water sink in v.small passs. to right on cross rift 015 016 03.63 144.0 +31.0 ;st015 is halfway up bolder mud slope 016 017 03.00 174.0 +18.0 ;st016 is head height sitting on boulder in larger passage 017 018 03.37 187.0 +34.0 018 019 04.94 085.0 +48.0 019 020 03.22 297.0 -03.0 ;st020=tag in Nagasaki *end t09b