;Cave: Top Sink - North West Passage links and roof tube ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman/M.shinwell ;Date: 06/10/07 ;Instruments: PAG + disto ;*equate T09c.001f md2ai.022 ;from North West Passage pitch route *equate t09c.005ki t09a.017 ;st017 scratched on streamway wall below climb up to small oxbow *equate t09c.008 t09a.019 *begin t09c *export 005ki *export 001f *export 008 *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 001a 001 02.35 165.0 -18.0 ;st001 is star scratched on small prow above pitch 001a 001b 01.59 - UP 001b 001c 03.56 275.0 +42.0 001d 001c 08.01 073.5 +06.0 001e 001d 16.05 080.0 +13.0 001e 001f 00.20 008.0 00.0 ;st001f=tag at end of sideways passage to Nagasaki 001 002 04.16 - DOWN ;st002 is floor of pitch 003 002 01.83 303.0 -11.0 003 000 02.36 299.0 +29.0 ;st000 is stn fro a previous survey maybe FA on wall 003 004 02.98 193.5 +17.0 004 005 03.07 166.0 +07.0 ;st005 is junction with hole in floor to left and tight oxbow on right 005a 005 02.74 065.0 +07.0 ;start of oxbow passge solo survey by Sam L. 005b 005a 02.74 353.0 -07.0 005b 005c 03.86 182.0 -01.0 005d 005c 03.66 354.0 -01.5 005d 005e 01.44 - DOWN ;st005e is spike in floor 005f 005e 03.25 246.0 +03.0 005f 005g 02.59 182.0 -04.0 005h 005g 01.39 257.0 -21.0 005h 005hi 03.28 178.0 00.0 005h 005i 04.80 188.0 -47.0 ;st005i is small spike sticking out of wall above streamway 005j 005i 00.94 291.0 -01.5 005j 005k 03.63 - DOWN ;st005k is head height in stream 005k 005ki 00.77 332.0 +16.0 ;st005ki is st017 on the previous stream surveyby RD/SL ;;;005kii 005ki 01.99 109.0 -41.0 ;st005kii is sitting on ledge on corner in sight of st008(not needed) 005 006 03.92 061.0 -51.0 ;climb down narrow rift 006 007 03.61 198.0 -07.0 007 008 03.38 161.0 -54.0 ;st008 is head height in stream *end t09c