;Cave: North West Passge end of Booth-Eyre ;Surveyors: R.Duffy/S.Lieberman/P.Wilkinson ;Date: 14/10/07 ;Instruments: PAG + disto *equate t09e.001 t09a.011 ;st001 is spike of rock at corner *equate t09e.012 t11.e11 ;st012=tag in roof at start of low section *equate t09e.012 t09f.001 ;st012=tag in roof at start of low section *begin t09e *export 001 *export 012 *calibrate compass +5.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 *fix 012 67811.22 80963.86 276.48 ;st012=tag in roof at start of low section 001 002 04.62 084.0 +07.0 ;st001 is spike of rock at corner 002 003 01.74 083.0 -01.0 003 004 03.37 055.0 +03.0 004 005 04.03 131.0 +05.0 005 006 01.25 105.0 -09.0 006 007 02.33 149.0 +23.0 007 007a 03.91 223.0 +04.0 ;st007a is choked bedding 007 008 03.29 041.5 -01.0 008 009 02.31 151.0 -06.0 010 009 02.25 304.0 -18.0 010 011 00.10 - UP 011 012 00.90 058.0 +08.0 ;st012=tag in roof at start of low section with choked chamber up to right *end t09e