;Cave: Upper Molar Passage -start ;Surveyors: S.Lieberman/A.Hall ;Date: 26/08/07 ;Instruments: PAG + disto *equate t10c.005b t10b.005b ;st005b=tag in thread in small chamber on false floor in Skywaalker Passage *equate t10c.005g t10d.0 *begin t10c *export 005b *export 005g *calibrate compass +3.00 *calibrate clino +0.50 *calibrate tape 0.00 005c 005b 02.47 007.0 +11.0 ;st005b=tag in thread 005d 005c 03.25 292.0 +09.0 005e 005d 01.50 221.0 -02.0 005f 005e 03.55 311.0 -13.0 005f 005g 03.17 059.0 -03.0 ;st005g marked on wall with arrow pointing to it *end t10c