*begin UpstreamGavel ; This data is reconstructed from Geoff Yeadon's original notes *date 1983.06.01 ;estimated date from survey *UNITS depth feet *DATA DIVING station depth NEWLINE compass tape 0 0 ;Gavel sump pool surface 211 5.92 1 -13 160 15.00 2 -13 181 8.98 3 -13 271 15.12 4 -13 225 15.07 5 -13 271 15.17 6 -13 240 15.31 7 -13 190 5.79 8 -13 246 6.01 9 -13 165 4.57 10 0 ;Airbell 120 2.83 11 0 118 11.37 12 -13 123 1.46 13 -13 174 3.83 14 -13 180 20.43 14a -80 297 5.33 15 -80 293 39.7 16 -210 ;bottom of shaft as recorded in CDG 2015 sump index continuation too tight *end UpstreamGavel ; end of file