; Locn: Leck Fell ; Cave: Ireby Fell Cavern ; Frink Chamber in Ireby II *begin frink1 *export 4x 8 21 *title "Frink Chamber" *date 2010.03.28 *team Insts Becka Lawson *team Notes Neil Pacey *instrument Compass and Clino - Neil's Disto-X with a back-up / check of readings for first few legs of Becka's Tandem and Becka's Tape from 0cm *calibrate tape 0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long ;from to tape compass clino remarks 4x 1 2.75 111.6 +04 ; 4x 1 2.74 111 +05 ; backup with conventional instruments 1 2 7.04 253.6 +64.4 ; 2 1 7.06 072 -67 ; backup with conventional instruments 2 3 2.21 259.9 -02.3 ; 3 2 2.21 082 +01 ; backup with conventional instruments 3 4 0.13 - DOWN ; dropped a vertical plumb below station 3 by distance of length of the Disto-X 4 5 6.99 298.2 +00.4 ; 5 4 6.97 118 -01.5 ; backup with conventional instruments 5 6 7.90 27.7 -00.48 ; hmm, not sure why clino read to two decimal places ; 6 5 7.88 - - ; only tape backup read 6 7 8.85 315.7 -01.9 ; 7 6 - 134 +01 ; only comp & clino backup read 7 8 7.42 286.3 -04.1 9 8 7.14 237 +09.4 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 10 9 6.26 133 -30 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;11 10 4.68 159 -04 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;12 11 1.31 221 -01 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;13 12 5.77 301 +08 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;14 13 3.52 247 +26 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;15 13 1.38 259 +09 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;16 15 4.20 164 -03 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;17 16 2.18 214 +09 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;18 17 2.75 199 -03 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;19 18 2.01 227 0 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;20 19 4.63 162 0 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16; tape difficult to read - could be 4.83? Doesn't really matter as last station temporary 21 8 5.31 008 -14 *data passage station left right up down ignoreall 4x 3.5 0 6.5 1.3 numbered station 4 in chamber above Jupiter below Frink pitch surveyed 2008.05.03 by Patrick Warren and Becka Lawson in survex file jupiter2irebyone 1 0 2.75 6.5 1.7 chamber below pitch 2 1.5 1.3 0 6.5 top of pitch 3 1.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 near thread for pitch back-up before crawl 4 - - - - length of DistoX below station 3 5 1.4 1.4 0.2 1.1 6 1.5 1 0 0.3 7 1.0 1.5 0.4 0.3 temp on mud bank on shelf by pitch into Frink Chamber 8 0.6 7 0.7 1.2 numbered station on far wall of Frink Chamber 9 4.5 3.5 3.3 3 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;10 1.9 0.2 0.6 1 ;I think this station is numbered - on L wall just after c3 out of Frink Chamber ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;11 0.3 1.3 0.5 0.2 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;12 0 1.2 0.5 0.1 ;down hard to read ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;13 1 1.3 0.5 0.1 think this station on stal ;14 1.3 1.2 0.5 0 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;15 1.4 0 0.5 0.6 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;16 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.5 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;17 0 1.4 0.5 0.1 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;18 1.5 0 0.3 0.2 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;19 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.2 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;20 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.1 ;Commented out as FarFrink survey now replaces this Simon Cornhill 23/5/16 ;21 5.2 3 1 1 numbered on left in Frink Chamber before start climb through boulder choke into upper chamber *end frink1